Multi vitamin sanostol сируп без шеќер, 260 ml Бебе & Деца
SKU: SANOS19 Категории , , Ознака: Brand:

Multi vitamin sanostol сируп без шеќер, 260 ml

630 ден

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Категории: Здравје, Мултивитамини, Бебе & Деца

Поврзани производи

Дневна дампинг акција


Important notes (compulsory information):

Multi- Sanostol Syrup without sugar additive. Applications: Multi- Sanostol is a multivitamin preparation for the prevention of combined vitamin deficit conditions. Warning: Multi- Sanostol Without sugar additive, sorbitol contains.

For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Active ingredients 100 ml
Retinol Palmitate (approx. 24,000 I.e. Vit.
13.2 mg
Colecalciferol (corresponding to 2000 I.e. Vit.
0.05 mg
Thiaminchloridhydrochloride * (Vit. B1) 20 mg
Riboflavinephosphate sodium * (Vit. B2) 20 mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit. B6) 10 mg
Ascorbic acid (Vit. C) 1000 mg
All-rac alpha-tocopherol acetate * (Vit.
20 mg
Nicotinamide 100 mg
Dexpanthenol 40 mg

*(Ph. EUR.)

Other ingredients:
Sodium benzoate; Calciumgluconate; Calcium phospholactate; Sorbitol solution 70%; Citric acid; Xanthanummi; Malt extract; Polysorbate 80; D-glucaric acid calcium salt; Sußorangenschalöl oil; Grapefruit juice concentrate; Appeline juice concentrate; Sunflower oil; Butylhydroxytoluene; purified water.

Recommended dose:
– for children from 1 to under 7 years daily 8 ml,
– For children from 7 years and adults daily 10 ml.

Lactose free.
Multi- Sanostol Without sugar additive is available in packs with 260 g.

Multi- Sanostol Without sugar addition, it is not suitable for the prevention of vitamin deficiency states that are associated with a disturbed intake from the intestine. For targeted prevention of a defect of a particular vitamin, higher dose monopräparates are recommended.

Notes for diabetics
10 ml Multi- Sanostol Without sugar addition, about 0.3 BE in the form of the sugar replacement sorbitol, which does not increase the blood glucose levels.

Multi- Sanostol Without sugar additive, sorbitol contains.

Status: 06/2015

Source: Information of the leaflet
Status: 02/2016

For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

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