Maxmedica vitamin c 500mg, 400tbl Витамин Ц
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Maxmedica vitamin c 500mg, 400tbl


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Категории: Витамин Ц & Имунитет, Витамин Ц

Поврзани производи

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Helps prevent colds and flu
It helps skin regeneration
Eases allergy and asthma symptoms

EFFectiveness of MaxMedica Vit C tablets
They are very successfully used in the treatment and mitigation of various diseases, primarily various infections, injuries, etc.
Vitamin C contributes to the creation of collagen for normal function of blood vessels, bones and cartilage. It also helps create collagen for normal function of gums, skin, teeth. It participates in metabolism of energy creation, functioning of the nervous system, normal psychological function, function of the immune system, as well as protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion, regenerate reduced forms of vitamin E, and increase iron absorption.
The human body doesn’t synthesite vitamin C as some animals can. On the other hand. human health depends largely on the beneficial properties of vitamins, especially vitamin C.
Vitamin C is one of a group of soupple vitamins in water. It is absorbed in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and in the upper intestine. This process is assisted by calcium, magnesium, as well as all vitamins and minerals, and its benefits are reduced by stress, high fever, tobacco, alcohol, antibiotics, aspirin and oral contraceptives. A wide range of its application should be used, which is why MaxMedica Vit C blister of 10 vitamin C tablets is a product that gives you the maximum vitamin C daily dose.
Vitamin C can be important in the treatment of asthma as well as in preventing the onsing of cardiovascular disease. It speeds up wound healing and protects against a variety of pollutants (including smoke from cigarettes).
In the treatment of diabetes (sugar disease) this vitamin also plays an important role. Its role is not reflected in direct prevention or mitigation of the disease, but in the treatment of associated adverse EFFects, which are caused by diabetes. These are gum disease, slow wound healing, rapid skin agein gr
The most important feature of vitamin C is its antioxidant activity. It can also have antiaterogen, anti-carcinogenic, antiviral, immunomodulatomo, ophthalmology and prosthetic EFFects on the airway, antihypertensive EFFects, antihistamines. It can help detoxify some heavy metals such as lead and other toxic substances. Vitamin C participates in the synthesis of collagen and other components of connective tissue, improves iron resorption by keeping it in a reduced state, participates in the biosynthesis of corticosteroids and aldosterone, cholesterol conversion, and according to some data is said to inhibit the growth of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and to prevent cataracts.

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