Maxmedica collagen ezin капсули, 60 Колаген
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Maxmedica collagen ezin капсули, 60


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Категории: Колаген, Коса, Кожа & Нокти

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What’s MaxMedica Collagenezin for
It contributes to the formation of collagen necessary for normal bone, cartilage and skin function.
The Collagenesis product contains capsules formulated based on fish collagen that are closest to human collagen. The main difference between fish and all other collagen species is in its high biological value, high content of essential amino acids and low hydroxyprolin content.
In situations and periods of excessive burden, we are more prone to injuries and conditions of exhaustion and fatigue. This is first reflected in our body, primarily the skin, and these conditions are accompanied by a decline in immunity, pain, joint and muscle load, as well as increased body mass, stress and problems with teeth, nails, hair. We feed as we get there, we don’t heal and, sooner or later, it all takes its toll.
Composition of Collagenezin products
Fish collagen has high biological value and significant content of essential amino acids. According to some research, fish collagen and its hydrolysis are thought to be beneficial in degenerative joint and bone diseases.
Methylulfonylmetan (MSM)is an organic compound rich in sulfur, which can affect pain mitigation, especially in arthritis, muscle renewal and proper joint and cartilage function. As a source of sulfur, MSM enables synthesization of collagen and connective tissue, affects the increase in the amount of synonymous fluid in joints, helps proper construction and cartilage function by protecting it from damage, and is thought to reduce swelling, ease pain, help stiffness and rheumatism.
Vitamin C participates in collagen synthesis and other components of connective tissue, improves iron resorption, participates in corticosteroid biosynthesis, cholesterol conversion, and according to certain data can inhibit the growth of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.
Boswellian acids- as the basic ingredients of basil resem extract – have a strong antiflamator EFFect and alleviate pain caused by arthritis. Bosvelia improves circulation, which helps with inflammation and joint pain.

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